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Surviving (and Thriving Through) COVID-19: Practical Tips on How to Survive COVID

Updated: Feb 8, 2024

We are in week three of quarantine, and we've touched on how to build your immunity and how to take control in the kitchen during last week’s session; this week is about taking control of an uncertain situation. We are focusing on how to survive COVID and how to come out thriving.


Every opportunity is an opportunity to overcome or work through. In this moment of COVID-19, amidst many uncertainties, people are losing their jobs, worried about their health, and the list goes on. There are opportunities to change for the negative, but there is also an opportunity to change for the positive. Understanding how to survive COVID doesn’t just mean physically but also mentally and emotionally.


I am hearing from a lot of people that they have concerns about their summer plans, weddings, financial constraints, etc. All these worries and concerns are valid, and you are allowed to feel. You are allowed to feel scared, uncertain, frustrated, confused, etc. Things are hard right now, and due to quarantine, it can feel lonely, but it is important that we are all in this together. This is a part of understanding how to survive COVID - by recognizing our feelings and finding ways to cope healthily.


Surviving is taking advantage of this more time at home to watch more movies or make unhealthy food choices to cope with. We can absolutely do that, and it is not entirely wrong, but I know that everyone has more to offer. You are probably being asked to step up for your family and expected to show up in the capacity that you are capable of. None of this is easy. In fact, it may be the hardest part of this whole situation, but it is essential in learning how to survive COVID.


How to Survive COVID

Many people are working the front lines of this pandemic, and I want to thank each and every one of you. Those individuals do not have the same quarantine restrictions that others have and do not have the time to sit at home to reflect. For those of you who are at home, this is your time to make something happen. Do not let this time slip by and look back with regret thinking, “I wish I would have done something more with my time.” Do not let COVID-19 be another “I will wait until…” situation.


My invitation to you is to take this time to examine what you are good at. You are being called to do something, something that only you can do. It can be something big or small, but it is something. Everyone has a magic of their own that should be shared at whatever capacity that magic can be extended to. This is crucial in the journey of how to survive COVID, not just as an individual but as a community. Do not look back with regret that time was wasted, and you could have done more. This is your time to step up.

It will be easy to click out of this and turn on the TV, but I want you to take action. Take a piece of paper or pull up your notepad on your phone and write down at least one thing that you have been putting off. Write down three action steps that you need to take today to get there. Taking action is the only way you will be able to step away from COVID-19 and not feel that this time is wasted. Own your goal.

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